My mom has been going through some boxes in her basement and came across some of my old school things.

She found a comic that I wrote sometime in grade school (I don’t know when, but it must be some time in the early 80’s given the boom box and the clothing styles depicted on page 5).

I'm thinking it is from around 1985 because I reference Neo-Maxi Zoomdweebie from The Breakfast Club. Even though I'm pretty sure I hadn't seen this movie at that time I remember people using that phrase and thinking it sounded pretty funny.

It’s weird that I only have a vague recollection of doing this, but it gave me a laugh and I thought I’d share it here.

Oh, and it must have been for school project because there’s an “A-” on the back: I was dinged for starting a sentence with a number on the last page. The teacher didn't catch my using the wrong “to” on the second page though!

AuthorTodd Zarwell